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Take The Wind received SMEs Excellence’19 Award

By April 22, 2020May 11th, 2020Awards, Corporate news

Directive Council President of IAPMEI believes that companies are the main drivers of national economic growth.

For the fourth consecutive time, Take the Wind (TTW), received the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) Excellency Award. For TTW’s CEO, Pedro Pinto, receiving this distinction means that “the innovative and international strategy”, shaped for the organization, is “bearing fruits due to the merit, intelligence and dedication of its employees, clients and business partners”.

As João Correia Neves, Assistant Secretary of State and Economy, mentioned “this award is a recognition of the results enterprises have achieved, but also a thank you for the value and jobs created, for the contribution they make to the development of our country and for the example they pass on to the next generations of Portuguese”.

Commitment to growth

The award is granted by the Institute of Support to Small and Medium Enterprises and Innovation (IAPMEI) and Tourism of Portugal Office, in partnership with ten principal banks operating in Portugal. The organization recognizes not only the enterprises quality of its economic and financial performance but also their reputational character, dynamics and scale-up.

“SMEs Excellence companies are companies that combine their innovation and growth strategies with maintaining high levels of financial soundness and profitability”, stated the Directive Council President of IAPMEI, Nuno Mangas. “They are undoubtedly one of the main drivers of national economic growth and investment”, he concludes.

Nowadays the challenges are different and “it’s TTW social responsibility to provide training scenarios to help healthcare professionals during the colossal effort they are making to defeat the pandemic”, Pedro Pinto highlights.

Also, Body Interact, the virtual patient simulator created by TTW, created free and unlimitedly available COVID-19 clinical scenarios and stands as a solution from schools and hospitals to keep their students learning curve ongoing while staying at home.

© 2019 Body Interact.