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Innovation on Nursing Education

By April 19, 2018September 23rd, 2019Corporate news, Press

Porto Nursing School students are the first ones in Portugal to train their skills with our smart virtual patients

Body Interact and the students and staff of the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP), in Portugal, were featured at SIC Notícias (Portuguese TV channel).

ESEP’s students were the first Portuguese Nursing students having access to Body Interact as a learning accelerator tool to complement their clinical education. Gone are the days where clinical reasoning decisions were very hard to train!

Nowadays, using their Body Interact touch table at school, or their Body Interact web accounts which are available anywhere and anytime, these students can do a more complete training using our fascinating world of smart virtual patients with real-world validity, from different specialties, on a realistic environment, and without harming anyone.

Check out the video here.

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