Body Interact and the Heart Failure Association promoted knowledge and experience exchange to solve clinical cases. International event took place in Athens, Greece.
“A 52-year old man suffering from aortic aneurysm rupture was transferred immediately to a specialist heart and lung centre, for an emergency surgical repair of ruptured aneurysm”. There were two cardiology experts around one table, closely reading the case’s briefing to the thousands of Heart Failure Congress 2019 participants who joined one of the six different pre-scheduled sessions.
The following hour was passed solving the clinical case, commenting on diagnosis and treatment decisions, discussing guidelines and talking about the final debriefing. Together, Body Interact and the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology created cardiology scenarios under HFA guidelines and validation.
The medical condition described above puts the myocardium in a failing situation and was one of the challenges that healthcare professionals experienced on Body Interact table at the Virtual Case Area. From 25th to 28th of May, this area was transformed into an emergency room where doctors and nurses experienced real-life clinical cases on a virtual patient simulator.
The Heart Failure congress is an international event open to all healthcare professionals interested in any aspect of heart failure. From epidemiology, through basic and translational science to prevention, diagnosis, monitoring, prognostication, medical and nursing management. With this year main theme, ‘Heart Failure from Alpha to Omega’, the Congress incorporated a range of activities such as grand debates, informal discussions with experts, interactive sessions and the best papers in the field presentation.