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Body Interact @ SimOlympics – SESAM 2016

By July 11, 2016September 23rd, 2019Competitions

SESAM (Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine) latest event took place in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 15 th to 17th and Body Interact did not miss it!

On this SESAM’s edition, Body Interact has given a hand to the SESAM health competition SimOlympics, where several international teams of Medicine have been put to the test, while trying to solve many health issues and to do some clinical reasoning in a short length of time.

It was also another opportunity to welcome many interested visitors on our booth and to have great simulation experiences, gathered around our multi-touch tables.

Many thanks for all your enthusiastic approach while using our technology and for all your comments and feedback!

Looking forward for SESAM 2017!

© 2019 Body Interact.